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Top 10 Php Frameworks for Web Development in 2022.

Top 10 Php Frameworks for Web Development in 2022

PHP is now a widely utilized web development technology that powers the bulk of the internet’s websites. The developer community, on the other hand, has varied emotions about this technology. Some developers think it’s the best technology for building a variety of web solutions, while others think it’s mediocre, old, and awful. Though PHP isn’t as well-known as JavaScript or Python in terms of popularity, it is widely used. In fact, PHP is used on the server-side of roughly 80% of all websites. In terms of market share, PHP outperforms Java and Ruby.

PHP includes a number of frameworks that may be used to quickly create sophisticated web applications. Though PHP can create dynamic web applications on its own, its frameworks make the process of designing web apps easier by saving developers time from having to start from scratch.

Also Read – 10 Key Reasons to Hire Php Developers for Customer-Centric Business.

If you are looking for Web Development in 2022, PHP frameworks are best.

List of 10 Php Frameworks for Website Development

1. Laravel


Laravel is a popular PHP framework that is notable for being free and open-source. It contains a lot of built-in features and functions, thus it’s a useful tool for personalizing intricate projects. It has capabilities like user authentication, session management, and caching.

You can utilize additional packages to supplement the framework. Hire Laravel developer India, as these Framework-independent packages, for example, can be used with any PHP framework, whereas Laravel-specific packages can only be used with Laravel. For example, the Laravel Debug bar is a popular package that adds a toolbar to the application that is useful while debugging.

Key Features:

  • Laravel is an excellent solution for small and large projects with complex backend requirements. Installing Laravel has become easier since the release of Homestead, a preconfigured, all-in-one vagrant machine.
  • It’s a PHP framework with a lot of customization options for complex programmers. Seamless data transfer, MVC (Model, View, and Controller) architectural support, security, routing, view template engine, and authentication are just a few of them.
  • Laravel is an extremely expressive framework that meets modern web application standards in terms of performance and security. For developers who want to build B2B or corporate websites that can adapt to new online trends, hire Laravel developer India.

Also Read – What Makes Laravel a Preferred Choice for Website Development!

2. Symfony


It is a web application framework created by Fabien Potencies and published on October 22, 2005, making it one of PHP’s earliest frameworks. Symfony is mostly used for constructing large projects and is based on the MVC framework. It has a simple installation method and supports the majority of systems.

Because of its reusable libraries, most developers prefer Symfony to Laravel. It also has a sizable and active community. Symfony is popular among businesses since it is used by a number of major management systems, including Drupal, OrCam, and PHP Bulletin Board (PHPBB).

Key Features:

  • Symfony is an excellent framework for creating large-scale business applications. It’s easy to install and configure on most platforms.
  • It’s PHP components that may be used again and again. It’s also database engine agnostic, dependable, adheres to most web best practices and design principles, and can be used with other vendor libraries.
  • It comes with a customizable and powerful debugging toolbar that displays all of the required data to make debugging straightforward.
  • Because there’s no need to spend time or effort on manual deployment or designing an automated deployment solution, Symfony deployment is a breeze.

3. CodeIgniter 


CodeIgniter is a lightweight PHP framework for developers who want to create full-featured web applications using a simple and attractive toolkit. It’s a lightweight PHP framework that takes up less than 1.2 MB on disc. Hire Codeigniter developers team, faster page loads are guaranteed, with minimal impact on your web server and apps.

Key Features:

  • CodeIgniter is a lightweight and simple PHP framework, unlike other frameworks. It is ideal for newbies because of its ease of use and well-illustrated instructions.
  • Highlights include MVC design, solid error handling, security tools, and simple and excellent documentation. It also allows for the creation of scalable applications.
  • CodeIgniter outperforms other frameworks in terms of speed. Because of its high performance, it’s a good choice for designing lightweight apps for small servers.

4. CakePHP


CakePHP is a Ruby on Rails-inspired PHP Development service for quick development. The framework is simple to install and use because it requires very little configuration. ‘Convention over configuration (COC) is one of the framework’s many well-known software engineering ideas. CakePHP includes a comprehensive collection of libraries with useful components to aid in the implementation of this notion. Encryption, password hashing, and CSRF protection are among the framework’s many security features. Get in touch with a PHP web development company to avail the benefits of this super framework.

Key Features:

  • CakePHP is easy to set up, requiring only a web server and a copy of the framework to get started.
  • SQL injection prevention, input validation, CSRF protection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) protection are just a few of the security features that make it a great choice for commercial applications.
  • A modern framework, speedy builds, proper class inheritance, validation, and security are just a few of the highlights. CakePHP also comes with good documentation, a slew of help pages, and Cake Development Corporation’s premium support.

5. Laminas Project

Laminas Project

Laminas is the successor of Zend’s PHP framework. Because of its component-based design, Laminas Projects is often referred to as a glue framework. The PHP framework from Laminas is an object-oriented, MVC-based framework that allows you to load just the components you need as separate libraries. Furthermore, the components and MVC- framework adheres to corporate development principles, making them appropriate for sophisticated web applications.

Key Features:

  • External libraries are integrated into the MVC architecture.
  • You can use only the pieces you need.
  • With loosely linked components and low interdependencies, architecture that can be used at any moment.
  • A number of backends, including memory and a file system, are supported by the flexible caching subsystem.

6. Zend


Zend or the Laminas Project is another famous PHP framework. It is made up of three different components and is also known as a glue structure. These API tools are Mezzio, MVC, and Laminas. Zend is used by large corporations such as BNP Paribas, BBC, and others because of its dependability and other characteristics. Because the framework adheres to the PHP Framework Interop Group’s standards, it’s simple to port its code to other frameworks. The Laminas Project follows the standard MVC pattern. As a result, PHP components such as event dispatchers, input validation, and pagination are included in the framework.

Key Features: 

  • The Zend framework is a good solution for sophisticated, enterprise-level applications. For large IT departments and financial institutions, it’s the framework of choice.
  • The key features include MVC components, a basic cloud API, data encryption, and session management, to name a few.
  • It can operate with third-party libraries, and you can pick and choose which components to use. The Zend framework has a large user community and substantial documentation. However, if you’re a mobile app developer, you should expect a high learning curve.

7. Phalcon


Phalcon is one of the most intriguing full-stack frameworks. It’s built-in C, but it’s supplied as a PHP extension. This means that users will not have to create C code but will benefit from the speed of execution. When compared to other frameworks, Phalcon is capable of handling more requests per second. You can also gain access to several features like cache, ORM, security, and so on. PHQL, the SQL dialect, is also included. When high-level performance is required, huge business companies typically turn to Phalcon. You should hire full-stack developers for the greatest results.

Key Features:

  • Phalcon is simple to set up and use, and it’s ideal for building highly flexible web applications that follow corporate development rules.
  • Increased execution speed, asset management, a universal autoloader, and top security and caching are just a few of the highlights.
  • Phalcon, unlike other frameworks, enhances speed by making optimal use of memory. Give Phalcon a go if you want to build a lightning-fast website.

8. Yii


Yes, it certainly is! Yii is the name of the basic and evolutionary Yii framework PHP Development services. It’s a component-based PHP framework for quickly developing modern online programs. Yii is well-suited to a variety of online applications. As a result, it’s regarded as a general-purpose web development framework.

Key Features: 

  • Yii is an easy application to set up. Its comprehensive security features make it ideal for high-security applications such as e-commerce, portals, CMS, forums, and so on.
  • It’s quick and versatile, and it saves developers time by allowing them to model database data as objects instead of writing several SQL queries.
  • Yii is created by a group of core developers and specialists. You can post your problems on the Yii forums and get help from a wide community.
  • Yii is extremely adaptable, allowing you to change almost every line of code. Expect a steep learning curve if this is your first time.

9. FuelPHP


FuelPHP is a PHP framework with a lot of features that were first released in 2011. It’s a PHP MVC framework for building apps that’s very versatile and flexible. In addition to MVC, the framework provides Hierarchical Model-View-Controller (HMVC), an advanced variant of MVC. HMVC, unlike MVC, does not require duplicate material to be displayed on multiple pages. As a result, it takes less time and requires less mental effort.

Key Features: 

  • Developers can use FuelPHP to build end-to-end web applications of various sizes and complexity.
  • A crucial feature is the implementation of HMVC, RESTful, a URL routing system, vulnerability protection, and a caching method.
  • Its security strategy goes above and beyond normal security processes, making it a fantastic choice if the security of your project is crucial. FuelPHP is a newer framework with less support and a potentially steeper learning curve.

10. PHPPixie


PHPixie is a full-stack PHP framework for creating high-performance online applications that are fully optimized. It is made up of distinct components and, like FuelPHP, provides a Hierarchical Model-View-Controller (HMVC). The framework also has a vibrant community that regularly adds to the framework’s various developments.

Key Features: 

  • Look no farther if you’re looking for an easy-to-understand and implement framework.
  • It works with the HMVC architecture that has been upgraded.
  • This is an outstanding routing technique.
  • The lightweight framework that supports MongoDB.

Also Read – How to Find the Best PHP Web Development Company in India?


Using a PHP framework to create apps is a fantastic concept. You have a lot of options when it comes to PHP frameworks. You must, however, make the correct decision. You’ll need to hire Laravel developers in that situation. As a result, a number of factors influence the best framework to use, including security, ease of use, scalability, documentation, and more. As a result, start by learning about the requirements for the project or application you’re working on. Then, from this list, select the PHP framework that best meets your requirements. It’s impossible to go wrong with this. To begin with your application, you can connect with a PHP development expert. Because of our PHP competence and experience, ThinkStart Pvt Ltd is a PHP Web Development Company in India, a perfect development partner you can trust.


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